Ranger R459H x JC Ruenami 136 Embryos


The young, up and coming sire of these embryos, Ranger R459H is gaining serious headway, with EMA, RBY, MS, MF, FBTI, F1TI and MILK all in the top 5%. As a Mayura L10 son, and being in Cohort 2 of the Australia Progeny Test Program, the proven data stands to be phenomenal for Ranger R459H and his progeny. Combine this with the fast growth and large frame size of JC Ruenami 136, a granddaughter of the original Rueshaw, and you can expect calves with exceptional growth and maternal traits, while still maintaining breed leading carcass EBV’s and expected indexes all in the top 25%. JC Ruenami 136 has been a fantastic mother with 5 natural calves and 5 ET calves registered in the US at 7 years old. These embryo’s will be 5/32nd Red Wagyu, which we’ve found, and JC Ruenami 136 has proven, to produce excellent well rounded heifers while yielding outstanding terminal beef!

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The Beef

It all begins with an idea. At least for us it did. We thought we should raise fullblood wagyu cattle the right way with love, desire, and drive. So that’s what we do on our three ranches in Central Texas. Our goal is to produce the best tasting and healthiest beef a consumer can buy.