Our story

On March 18th, 2014 I tried a Wagyu Steak for the first time.  It was my birthday, and contrary to my wife's wishes, I said I just wanted to celebrate with a nice dinner at home.  When I got home that evening, Elizabeth announced she went to a local butcher, where they told her about this amazing steak they had, gave detailed directions how to cook it on a cast iron skillet, and that it was so good it would change our lives.  I told her that was crazy, and let it almost ruin my birthday when she told ME how much she spent!  My tune quickly changed after eating it.  A week later I was pulling at the air, searching for celebrations to justify cooking another one.

It wasn't long after buying that first Wagyu Ribeye, that I started noticing the "same" steak, from the same butcher, for the same price... just didn't look or taste the same.  Many late nights on the computer later I came to realize that all Wagyu is not created equal.  The meat we were buying was becoming less and less Wagyu, although still marketed as just "Wagyu".  Cross breeding Wagyu Cattle to other breeds can help them grow faster and bigger, which costs less for the rancher.  However, an uneducated consumer who thinks they're buying true Wagyu Beef, pays the price.

With no background in livestock, and no property to raise them on, I quickly became obsessed with Wagyu.  My wife's family has a long history of commercial ranching, but what I was hoping to do was different.  Fast forward to 2017; Elizabeth and I purchased property in SE Austin, TX for my growing heavy equipment business.  The property was significantly larger than what I needed for the equipment business... but all of a sudden we had a place to start our Wagyu Cattle Herd!

Shortly thereafter we bought four pregnant Fullblood Wagyu cows, and shortly after that realized how little I knew about what it takes to raise them.  Miles of fence and hundreds of hours building shade barns, plowing, discing, and planting grass seed ensued.  Likewise, thousands of hours reading, learning, and actually caring for the cattle continues.  We now raise Fullblood Wagyu across three ranches in Central Texas.  Our goal is to produce the best tasting and healthiest Beef a consumer can by.

The butcher was right, that steak has changed our lives.  It's been a labor of love, and with that love, desire, and drive, has expanded. My girls wake up on Saturdays anxious to spend 4 hours in the truck with me to go feed the cows. We treat them like family, and raise them in a way I’m proud and excited for myself, family, and friends to consume.

Our goal

to produce the best tasting, healthiest beef you can buy.

all about the beef —

what is 100% fullblood wagyu beef? So glad you asked. learn about wagyu →